Power and Politics

Ex-deputy defense boss, Musenge, forms political party, promises change

Musenge Making point
Picture courtesy of Zambia Observer

Mwenya Musenge, the former Copperbelt and deputy defense Minister respectively, has formed a political party, promising to change the country’s social, political and economic trajectory for the better.

Musenge, the founder member of the Patriotic Front (PF), left the party around 2017 and formed the National Democratic Party (NDC) and became secretary general.

After squabbles in NDC,  which led to the formation of two factions, he left the party and stayed away from politics.

Musenge had been appointed Advocates for People’s Prosperity (APP) interim president.

He believed the new political platform would endeavor to be the voice of the silent majority of Zambians in diverse spheres.

“We have been forced to come out from the doldrums and form a political party to speak on behalf of the silent majority because the UPND has lamentably failed to deliver on any of its campaign promises and the majority of Zambians are now living in squalor,” he said.

The APP has plans to uplift Zambians from poverty more than any other political grouping in the country.

Musenge said this in an interview in Zambia’s mining city Kitwe on Tuesday, December 6, 2022.

He said it was time Zambians became part and parcel of the country’s economic agenda, claiming that about 70 percent of Zambians are living in poverty, 58 years after independence, hence the need to change the status quo.

Once ushered in, the APP would initiate policies that will turn around the country for the better by leading behind the new political party that was tried and tested.

Having served in Government before; he thinks he had the leverage and enough experience to take the country to the Promised Land.

“We will provide quality checks and balances to the ruling party “ adding that:” we decided to form this party after seeing that there is a lot of gap in providing checks and balances in the country.”

Under the APP government Zambians, he was confident in industries like block making among other businesses that he alleged are in the hands of foreign investors.

“Once we are elected into office in 2026,we will be ring-fencing certain businesses like block making to Zambians and chicken rearing,” Musenge said.

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