
Zambia Airways announces acquisition of new aircraft, as corporation says passenger traffic up 133%


Zambia Airways has marked a significant milestone in its journey of growth and expansion as it welcomed its newly acquired Boeing 737-800 aircraft.

The latest aircraft, touched down at Kenneth Kaunda International Airport (KKIA) on Wednesday.

Transport and Logistics Minister, Frank Tayali, who was present to welcome the aircraft alongside Industrial Development Corporation (IDC) acting Chief Executive Officer, Leya Ngoma, expressed delight at the airline’s growth.

Tayali highlighted that the airline’s progress had defied skeptics and demonstrated the government’s ambition to establish Zambia as a prominent player in the aviation sector.

“This acquisition also signifies the airline’s dedication to providing a superior travel experience to its passengers and boosting Zambia’s presence in the aviation industry,” he said.

Tayai said the acquisition of the Boeing 737-800 was a testament to Zambia Airways’ commitment to enhancing its services and increasing its global reach.

“The addition of this new aircraft will take us a step further in enhancing our local and international aviation footprint, opening up new routes and connecting more cities,” he said.

Tayali said it would facilitate trade and tourism and allow citizens to explore the world with ease especially that the Boeing 737-800 was recognized worldwide for its popularity and advanced technology.

Cosam Ngoma, the acting Managing Director of Zambia Airports Corporation Limited, emphasized the airline’s significant achievement at a time when aviation passenger traffic was rebounding following the challenges posed by the Covid-19 pandemic.

He reported remarkable growth in both international and domestic air travel, with passenger numbers soaring by 106 percent and 133 percent, respectively, as of August 2023 compared to August 2019.

“The growth of domestic air travel has been faster than international travel because of local airlines such as Zambia Airways,” Ngoma said.

Abiy Asrat Jiru, CEO of Zambia Airways, reiterated the airline’s commitment to delivering top-quality travel experiences at the most competitive prices.

Read More: Zambian Airways gets permit to ply South African route, adds additional aircraft to fleet

Jiru emphasized that the Boeing 737-800 aircraft would enable Zambia Airways to explore new markets and reach new heights in the aviation industry.

“Currently, Zambia Airways jointly owned by the Industrial Development Corporation (IDC) and Ethiopian Airlines, operates routes to Harare and Johannesburg in addition to its domestic routes to Livingstone, Ndola, and Solwezi,” he said.

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