
Witness testifies against business man, Muchemwa, in suit alleging corrupt enrichment of over K10 million


A Quantity Surveyor has told the Economic and Financial Crimes court that Lusaka businessman, Francis Muchemwa, owns properties worth more than K10million.

Chileshe Ndazye, 32, of Balastone Park said Muchemwa built a four-bedroom house at K2, 528,521.60, guest apartments lot L/26395/M at K5, 665,950.40 and uncompleted structures Lot L/28477/M/H and Lot L/28477/M/J at K2, 624,226,70.

She was testifying in a matter in which Muchemwa is charged with possession of property worth over K12 million suspected of being proceeds of crime.

In this matter, Muchemwa, 38, of L/26392/M in Silverest area Chongwe and two others pleaded not guilty to counts of possession of property suspected to be proceeds of crime and failure to comply with the provisions of the Income Tax Act contrary to Section 99 (1) as read with Section 98 of the Income Tax Act Chapter 323 of the Laws of Zambia.

Muchemwa is jointly charged with two persons in the name of companies, namely Friltech Networks Zambia Ltd and Altitude properties Ltd.

Ndazye testified that in November 2022, he was given an assignment to carry out a site visit in order to ascertain the cost of various properties under investigations by the Anti-Corruption Commission, Properties belonged to Muchemwa.

“I constituted a team and we visited the properties and afterwards I prepared a cost estimate report for various properties that were under investigations,” she said.

Read more: Court increases charges leveled against Muchemwa in case of alleged embezzlement

Meanwhile, a senior accountant assistant at Lusaka City Council, Moses Phiri, 39, of Kabanana area in Lusaka told Lusaka magistrate Davies Chibwili that since the Patriotic front (PF) cadres were removed from intercity bus terminus funds have been coming in full, and performing well.

Phiri said in 2022, revenue collection was K4 million. The increment was because of good policy of not having caderism in the bus stations.

“The main revenue streams at Intercity are bus registration, rentals and gate fees. We do collect rentals every month and we bill tenants quarterly. Gate fees are collected as the bus goes out. Each bus that uses the station pays before they leave the station,” he said.

He further testified that in 2020, the gate fees revenue was K10 million. In 2021, the amount was K11.8million. In 2022, the amount was K14.8million.

“In 2020, the local authority collected K14 million gate fees, which are collected when a bus loads and is about to depart. In 2021, the local authority collected K18 million and the increment was because of the pronouncement by Government to remove all cadres from the bus station.

“In 2021, we realized increment in collection of gate fees started in September 2021.In 2022, the local authority collected K23 million in gate fees and this was because of the good no cadrism policy in bus stations,” he said.

And Zambia Electricity Supply Corporation (Zesco) Chief accountant, Hellen Kalumbi,47, said the company paid Muchemwa subsistence allowances for various travel.

Kalumbi said she facilitated most of the payment at the request of the security department, which fell under legal directorate at the time, where Muchemwa was coming from.

“I have accounting documents for the subsistence allowances paid to Mr. Muchemwa. We paid him a total of K141, 400,” she said.

In cross examination, Kalumbi said the subsistence allowances Muchemwa got was authorized by a senior manager in Zesco.

Trial continues Thursday.

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