
Witness admits to being UPND cadre in sedition case against lawmaker Munir


A witness in the sedition case against Lumezi Member of Parliament, Munir Zulu, caused a stir in court when he revealed that he was a UPND cadre.

Joel Mukuta, 28, a bus driver from Kulima Tower bus station, testified that he watched a video where Munir used divisive language, stating that cadres had declared Southern Province off-limits and threatening to do the same for Eastern Province.

Mukuta claimed he was motivated to report the incident to the police because he was “touched” by Munir’s words.

During cross-examination, Mukuta denied that his intention was to secure a conviction and trigger a by-election that the ruling party could win.

Read more: Party leader, M’membe, faces High Court trial, may get 25 years jail term if found guilty of espionage

However, when asked if he was a witness of interest in the case, he replied in the negative.

Counsel Makebi Zulu then asked if he was a cadre, and Mukuta admitted that he was a supporter of the UPND.

The trial is being presided over by Magistrate Faides Hamaundu.

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