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Visiting Methodist Church leader, Aba, urges Zambia to uphold Christian values, reject homosexuality (Video)


Visiting Methodist Church of Nigeria Prelate, Dr. Oliver Ali Aba, has urged the Zambian government and people to resist the raging culture of homosexuality that has gripped some parts of the world, especially the much touted civilized societies.

Aba beckoned on Zambia to uphold its Christian values and principles, warning against moral decay that could follow if acts such as Lesbianism became entrenched, or Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Intersex, and Queer (LGBTIQ) behaviors were tolerated.

Describing LGBTIQ acts as “total madness” during a media briefing in Lusaka, Aba stated that individuals engaging in such behaviors should seek treatment rather than being allowed to erode societal values.

He pointed out that Zambia’s longstanding peace was rooted in the values and principles that had been passed down through generations since its independence.

“I call it madness, and it should not be allowed in society. God never made a mistake; He created man and woman for a purpose,” Aba said, adding that God did not intend for men to have sexual relations with other men, nor women with other women.

He stated that there was a growing trend of abnormality which was slowly becoming normal and that this should not be allowed to gain foothold in Zambia.

Read More: Zambian Christian groups oppose legal challenge to ban on homosexuality

Aba cast the blame on technological advancements which had brought about moral decay in society, and cautioned Zambia to ensure that the malaise was curtailed.

“God does not make mistakes. Even in the Garden of Eden Adam was created first but after a while, God said something was wrong, so he had to give him a female. There were other animals in the Garden but God did not make Adam to be sleeping with them,” he said.

He counseled Zambia to remain a Christian nation to avoid facing the wrath of God who had provided them with peace and a good political environment.

“I do not know how this madness entered into human heads because ordinarily, when you go to a lower animal kingdom I have never seen goat and sheep sleep together.

“I think Adam was the first person to have experienced a surgery kind of, and out of Adam, Eve came and God said behold your wife. If God is our God who has made made us in his own image and likeness, anybody thinking of homosexuality or lesbianism is a mad person of the highest order. I call it madness and they should not be allowed among human society and that’s my take,” Aba said.

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