Power and Politics

UPND branch insists delays in resolving stalemate at Mopani, Konkola mines in country’s best interest


The ruling United Party for National Development (UPND ) has said the delay in resolving issues facing major mines on the Copperbelt should not be blamed on Mines and Mineral Development Minister, Paul Kabuswe.

UPND Chililabombwe district media director, Henry M’hango, observed in a statement on Wednesday that in the past three days people had said a lot against Kabuswe.

“The Member of Parliament for Chililabombwe understands very well the sufferings of the people of Chililabombwe, Chingola, Kitwe and Mufulira,” M’hango said.

He argued that the decisions were made in Cabinet and one man could not make a decision alone.

Read more : Mines Minister, Kabuswe, apologises for delay in concluding KCM, Mopani Copper Mine deal

“As negotiations are going on we believe there is a team of experts with wider consultations on the issues of Mopani and KCM our Minister is not happy to see his beloved people suffer no, these Ministers are working, let us give them time to do the right thing,” M’hango said.

He said the delay to announce ‘suitors’ for the two mines was because government did not want to make mistakes like the previous governments did.

“We are suffering because of mistakes made by PF and MMD. Marketeers, busses, taxi’s, shops, suppliers, farmers, miners, schools and other companies depend on the mines and this is also hurting the President and his Ministers, Members of Parliament, District Commissioners, Mayors because they feel the pain,” M’hango said.

He pleaded with Zambians not to allow people to mislead and insult leaders.

M’hango said leaders were going through tough times trying to resolve the mess created by the previous regime.

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