
Technology and Science minister urges Zambia to embrace Artificial Intelligence


Technology and Science Minister, Felix Mutati, has encouraged Zambians to embrace Artificial Intelligence (AI), emphasizing its potential to make life easier and improve the economy.

Speaking at the Future of Artificial Intelligence in Africa Global Summit and Expo on Thursday, Mutati highlighted that AI could enhance productivity and efficiency, making it easier for the economy to run.

He stated that AI would significantly improve the delivery of medicines, the mining of minerals and the general welfare of the population.

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Mutati advised the public not to be scared of AI, as it is designed to simplify life for everyone.

He added that the government was preparing an Artificial Intelligence strategy to guide the nation on effectively utilising this new technology.

“The strategy is important as it will offer ways in which AI can be utilized to improve service delivery and enhance the way of life,” Mutati pointed out.

Meanwhile, Compu Connect Education Chief Executive Officer. Sarah Njamu, urged Africa to leverage Artificial Intelligence for its own benefit.

She noted: “Africa has challenges with digital infrastructure, which should be seen as an opportunity for more investment.”

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