Drama continues to engulf the former ruling Patriotic Front (PF) as faction leader, Miles Sampa, has announced the expulsion of Kantanshi Member of Parliament Anthony Mumba, citing insubordination and other charges.
In a letter seen by Zambia Monitor on Monday, Sampa accused Mumba of masquerading as PF chairperson and undermining his leadership.
He further accused Mumba of issuing “disparaging remarks” about both the current and past party leadership, describing the comments as demeaning.
“You have been organising divisive clandestine meetings without consent from the party hierarchy despite not being the spokesperson of the party,” part of the letter reads.
Sampa stated that the decision followed a petition from Lusaka youths led by Lusaka Province chairperson Kelvin Phiri.
The PF, which has been embroiled in internal conflicts since Sampa claimed leadership of the party, now finds itself further divided.
The situation escalated when Mafinga Member of Parliament Robert Chabinga declared himself PF president and appointed Mumba as party chairperson.
Mumba has yet to respond to the expulsion.
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