Power and Politics

Parliament suspends Chiyengi lawmaker, Katuta, for disorderly behaviour in parliament


Chiyengi law maker, Given Katuta, has been suspended for seven days from parliament for shouting at the Infrastructure and Urban Development Minister, Charles Milupi.

Katuta has also been suspended for shouting at Speaker of the National Assembly, Nelly Mutti, when she was ordered to leave parliament on June 14, 2023.

Katuta was suspended on Friday by Mutti after rendering a ruling on a point of order that was raised on June 14, 2023 by Katombola constituency law maker, Clement Andeleki.

Andeleki raised a point of order against Katuta for walking out of parliament, whilst shouting when the house was considering a ministerial statement by Milupi.

Mutti said the office of the Clerk wrote to Katuta to hear her side of the story and that she was remorseful in her response.

She said she had recourse to the footage for that particular day and Katuta was seen pointing at Milupi as she was walking out of the house and then walked back and pointed at the speaker.

Read more: Parliament orders Finance Minister, Musokotwane, to show proof of K65 million forfeited to govt

The speaker said Katuta’s conduct was disorderly and disrespectful to the house and the presiding officer.

“Since she was remorseful and was lenient when minting out by punishment ordinarily your conduct would have attracted a more severe punishment,” she said.

She emphasised that she would not tolerate any gross misconduct from Katuta or any other member, that would affect the honour and decorum of the house.

Mutti said in accordance with section 28 (3) powers and privileges act of the national assembly, she shall not enter the premises of the national assembly which also includes the national assembly motel, shall not participate in any activities of the national assembly including the committees that she was assigned in and shall not be paid any salary or entitlement that she is entitled to as a member.

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