Renowned model, Alice Musukwa, has announced that the Miss Universe Zambia pageant is officially returning to Zambian ownership for the first time since 2020, ushering in a renewed commitment to celebrating Zambia’s beauty, talent, and culture.
Speaking at a media briefing in Lusaka on Friday, Musukwa, the Chief Executive Officer of ARM Model Management Zambia, hailed the milestone as a significant step for the pageant, which has been part of the global Miss Universe Organization since its inception in 2006 by founder Wendy Chanda.
Musukwa expressed gratitude to Miss Universe Zimbabwe and other partners who supported last year’s Miss Universe Zambia trial event, crediting their collaboration for helping pave the way for the transition back to Zambian ownership.
“Their willingness to test the waters in Zambia has paved the way for this return to Zambian ownership. We thank you for your dedication and partnership during this transitional period,” Musukwa said.
She also thanked the Zambian government and private sector supporters for their role in the year-long due diligence process conducted by the Miss Universe Organization.
Musukwa announced that Jelumu Zambia will serve as the main sponsor for Miss Universe Zambia 2025, emphasizing the sponsor’s alignment with the pageant’s vision of promoting local talent and fostering opportunities for young Zambians.
“Our aim is to empower young women in Zambia by providing a platform to showcase their beauty, intelligence, and social responsibility,” she said.
The Miss Universe Zambia 2025 pageant is expected to highlight Zambia’s rich heritage and diversity, with Musukwa calling on the public to support this national initiative.
“We invite everyone to join us in this exciting venture as we prepare to crown the next Miss Universe Zambia, 2025. This is for Zambia, and we ask that we work together to ensure the best performance at the Miss Universe competition,” she added.
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