
Lusaka man shot dead during new year’s celebration


A 40-year-old man of Lusaka’s New Kasama has been shot dead by a suspect identified by the police as Eric Mwambembe, who started shooting live bullets during new year’s celebration.

Mwambemba, aged 35, of unknown house number in Chilanga Kachenjela, had been arrested by the police after he started shooting live bullets when others were lighting up fireworks to celebrate the new year.

Read more: Family of boy allegedly felled by Police bullets seeks K800,000 compensation, as Attorney-General fails to act

In a statement issued on Tuesday, Police Public Relations Officer, Rae Hamoonga, explained that brother to the deceased, Malama Chifwembe, had a new year party where he invited the deceased as well as the suspect.

Chifwembe told the police that his young brother Lusenga Chifwembe was shot dead by Mwambembe.
“At around 21:00 hours the celebrators started firing fireworks in the air and the suspect got his gun, a pistol, and started firing in the air and in unclear circumstances.

“The suspect identified as Eric Mwambembe got into his vehicle and drove away after noticing he had shot the deceased,” Hamoonga said.

Homoonga added that Mwambembe later surrendered himself and the murder weapon without ammunition to the Embassy police post under Chawama police station.

While the now deceased was taken to Chilanga Clinic by relatives where he was pronounced dead on arrival, Hamoonga stated that police rushed to the clinic and inspected the body, which was found with a bullet wound on the right side of the face.

“The suspect Eric Mwambembe, aged 35, of unknown house number Chilanga Kachenjela area was later transferred to Chilanga Police and detained in custody and his firearm without ammunition was retained as an exhibit,” he stressed.

He said the case remained under investigation and that officers visited the crime scene and picked up 7 cartridges which they preserved for further management.

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