A devastating tale of betrayal and physical pain unfolded in the Lusaka Magistrates’ Court as a 55-year-old man confessed to sexually abusing his 13-year-old biological daughter.
Bernard Ndubula of 10 miles township in Lusaka pleaded guilty to incest charges, telling the court that he initially saw “something” and later realised he was having sex with his daughter.
According reports,on October 5, 2024, Ndubula’s daughter was sleeping at a neighbour’s house when he called her to return home, claiming he had bought the books she wanted.
He reassured her that she should not be scared to sleep in the house and should feel free around him while the mother was away in another township.
However, once she returned home, Ndubula’s demeanor changed dramatically.
He entered her bedroom, wielding a knife, and threatened to kill her if she screamed or told anyone about what he was about to do.
He then locked the door, covered her with a blanket, undressed her, and had carnal knowledge of her.
The next morning, the girl reported the incident to her neighbour, who advised her to inform her elder sister.
Together, they decided to report the issue to their mother over the phone, and the case was eventually reported to the police.
Magistrate Mutinta Mwenya has adjourned the matter until January 27 for reading of facts.
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