
Court hears how minor was allegedly sexually abused by her own father


A heart-wrenching scene unfolded in court as a minor sobbed uncontrollably while testifying against her own father, who is accused of sexually abusing her.

Magistrate Mutinta Mwenya temporarily halted the proceedings to allow the victim to compose herself.

Read more: 26-year-old man jailed 40 years for defiling minor

The girl bravely recounted how her father, Francis Chanda Kalembula, 45, a businessman, had threatened to harm her if she revealed the abuse, which occurred between January 25 to 31.

“In the middle of the night, my father woke up, undressed me and did bad manners to me and that if I tell people he would beat and kill me. The incident happened in his bedroom on the bed.

“When mum came the following evening, he did the same thing again. He informed me if I tell people, i would die,” she narrated.

Her mother, who was now separated from the accused, corroborated the testimony, revealing that the family had been threatening her life for speaking out against the alleged abuse.

The mother narrated how she had been hospitalised for a week at a Cholera centre and returned to find her daughter exhibiting unusual behavior.

“She was harsh, she said she would be sleeping out because she was suffering, she also used to beat her sister.

“I asked her why she was behaving like that, she said’ Mum, don’t be worried when you see me sleeping out…she then said ‘mum, am having some puss coming out of my private part,” she said After discovering signs of sexual abuse, she reported the case to the police, and the daughter initially accused her son-in-law as instructed by the accused who was later cleared.

The family has since reportedly turned against the mother, threatening her life for pursuing justice.

The court heard how the family’s intimidation tactics have forced the mother to seek a safe place, fearing for her life.

The accused remains in custody, facing charges of incest with a minor which carries a minimum sentence of 15 years.

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