
Agency says monitoring of high levels of radioactivity ongoing at Mwami, Chanida border posts


The Radiation Protection Authority (RPA) says it is monitoring the high levels of radioactivity from two border towns so as to vet various incoming products.

The two border towns have been identified as Mwami into Malawi and Chanida to Mozambican border posts, according to the agency’s acting Senior Nuclear and Radiation Safety Officer, Josiah Mafunda.

Mafunda disclosed this when Science and Technology Minister, Felix Mutati, toured the Authority’s offices on Thursday in Lusaka.

Mutati’s tour was to appreciate RPA’s continued demonstrated efforts rendered to its core function of radiation protection despite amidst operational challenges.

The RPA acting Senior Nuclear and Radiation safety said the Authority was monitoring the situation through its geographical decentralization.

Meanwhile, Mutati directed the Authority to come up with measures to vet various products from outside the country and ensure that boarders were secured.

The Minister identified some of the products as building materials, fertiliser and vehicles, among others.

Read More: Plan to protect public, environment from harmful effects of radiation unveiled

“Government intends to heighten the Authority infrastructure and operations and from the K22 Million Infrastructure set fund will initially address and help the regulator to refurbish and create appropriate laboratory,” he stated.


Mutati said this would also be used to procure and install laboratory equipment, and support capacity building interventions.

He stated that his Ministry was determined to support the Authority to strategize further and reinforce its mandate of protecting people and the environment.

“Cabinet recently approved Statutory Instrument (SI) which promulgate the regulation of the Authority will now help establish well set standards in reinforcing and execution of radiation and protection monitoring activities in various sectors inclusive health and agriculture,” the Minister said.

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