Power and Politics

Congolese prosecutor nails ex-Foreign Affairs minister, Malangi, claims tendered documents are all fake


A Congolese prosecutor, Charles Kaboziya, has testified in the Lusaka Magistrates’ Court in a case involving former Foreign Affairs Minister, Joseph Malanji, who is facing money laundering charges.

In this case, former Secretary to the Treasury, Fredson Yamba, and Malanji are charged with willful failure to comply with procurement procedures and being in possession of property reasonably suspected to be proceeds of crime, respectively.

Read more: Witness testifies how ex-minister Malanji procured, paid on instalments for three properties

Kaboziya, who was invited to testify, conducted an investigation in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) and found that documents submitted by Malanji to support his claims of legitimate business activities in the DRC were false.

The investigation revealed that Malanji’s company had no account with Raw Bank in the DRC and there was no trace of any business dealings between his company, Gibson Power Systems, and the Chinese companies Mass Investment Group and China Civil Engineering Construction Corporation.

“The bank clearly responded that Mr. Malanji had a company but had no account with Raw Bank. All the operations with the two Chinese companies existed with the bank, but there were no operations with Gibson Power Systems. The bank did not recognize those documents; they were false.

“The bank provided me with all the details concerning those companies’ financial operations from their inception until my request. The name of Mr. Malanji’s company had never appeared in any business dealings with those companies. There was no trace anywhere,” Kaboziya testified.

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