
Minister Kabuswe lists mine ministry’s achievements for 2023


Government has highlighted several milestones it has achieved in the mining sector with the finding of an investor for Mopani Copper Mines and return of Vedanta Resources at Konkola Copper Mines (KCM) topping the list in 2023.

Mines and Minerals Development Minister, Paul Kabuswe, indicated that the finalisation of the strategic partnership agreement for Mopani was in the process of completion.

During a media briefing in Lusaka on Friday, Kabuswe said with regards to KCM, government had resolved the challenges which the major mining company was facing.

“This has been in public domain that government and Vedanta Resources resolved to settle their dispute in Court excuria,” he said.

The Minister noted that this was expected to revamp operations at KCM thus contributing to the attainment of the three million metric tonnes target of copper production by 2031.

He stated that during the year 2023, government continued on the trajectory of the reform process resulting in the formulation of the draft legal framework for the Minerals Regulation Commission.

“As I speak, the draft Bill awaits tabling in Parliament during the legislative session in February, this year,” Kabuswe indicated.

The Minister said the formulation of the draft geological and minerals development legal framework was also undergoing finalisation by the Ministry of Justice and alter Parliament consideration.

He noted that the law would accelerate investment in geological mapping, mineral exploration and mine development by government working with the private sector.

Read More: Mopani Copper Mine set to receive $1.1 billion investment from International Resources Holdings

On formalization of Artisanal and Small-Scale mining, Kabuswe said his Ministry had so far licensed 126 gold mining cooperatives and 65 cooperatives in other minerals.

“Furthermore, sites for construction of Gold Marketing Centers have been identified in 7 districts namely Mumbwa, Rufunsa, Lusangazi, Vubwi, Petauke, Chisamba and Chibombo,” he stated.

The minister said so far construction of infrastructure for Gold Marketing Centres in Mumbwa and Rufunsa were at procurement stage.

Kabuwe noted that this year, the formalization of the sub-sector would also gradually be extended and ramped up to other minerals such as manganese, tin and others.

He further said that the outlook for the mining sector was positive.

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